BOLD NEXUS and The Boy
Assalamualaikum :)
On 23rd January, kawan kite ada event. Kite pergi lah event dia, tanda support dari kawan kawan sekolah. Ihiks! She's my best buddy, Nina :)
Long time no see babe. Tak ingat last kite lepak sama bila.
Masa makan eksem Jipangi kot, kan? Hehe c(:
Oh btw, event tu untuk bebudak yang ambik art or design. Nina ambik multimedia and tu last sem dia. Dia hambek degree. Tak tau lah kot Nina nak sambung lagi ke tidak lepas ni. Sorry, gambar event tak banyak tapi gambar bebudak kitorang je banyak. Hehe :D
There you go!
Syamira, FD, Amin, Nina, Wardah and Anis.
Semua ni kawan sekolah. WEEEE~!
Lepas event, kite makan kat Mee Tarik. And then kite layan movie

The Boy;
A young American named Greta (Lauren Cohan) takes a job as a nanny for an 8-year-old boy in a remote English village. To her surprise, Greta learns that the child of her new employers is a life-size doll. They care for the doll as if it was human, which helps the couple to cope with the death of their own son 20 years earlier. When Greta violates a list of strict rules, a series of disturbing and inexplicable events bring her worst fears to life, leading her to believe that the doll is alive.
Review The Boy;
At first FD fikir memang patung ni hidup kenkonon macam Chucky tu. Rupa rupanya hampehhh ending dia. Psiko rupa-rupanya. Tapi kira okay la, kau ikut je apa patung tu nak. Nak main macam macam, kasi mandi lah, kasi tidur lah. Buat macam layan baby, haa cenggitu. Kalau tak ikut rules dia, habis kau!
beraninya..suka tengok citer hantu eh? org takut nak tengok citer hantu2 nih. except hantu lawak.